Intriguing facts of Catherine Jagiellon's life

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Journey route on both sides of the Baltic Sea ’In The Footsteps of Catherine Jagiellon’

TThe stormy life of the youngest daughter of the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund the Old and his wife Bona Sforza is like a broken necklace of pearls, scattered across four countries – Poland, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden. Go on a journey following the traces of 500–year–old history and you will see old castles, cathedrals, royal mansions, renaissance sculptures of extraordinary beauty, luxurious jewelry and crowns – silent witnesses of the secrets, joys and sufferings of Catherine Jagiellon.

Immerse yourself in the royal life!

This thematic route was created by journalists Gerda Butkuvienė, tourism communication specialist, and Ilona Skujaitė, author of the historical novel about Catherine Jagiellon "The Bride of War" (publishing house "Alma littera"). The author of the visualization is Aistė Lapinskaitė. The route was created in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Kingdom of Sweden.

Look for more here.

Kotryna Jogailaitė still fascinates Finns

Archaeologist Nina Manninen from the University of Turku in Finland restored Kotryna Jogailaitė's dress and told how Finns remember this extraordinary royal woman.

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Literary critic prof. Petr Bražėnas: "The man could not have written like that"

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the publication of the first Lithuanian historical novel. Critic of Lithuanian literature prof. In this context, Mr. Bražėnas reviewed Ilona Skujaitė's debut novel "War Bride".

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The dead also speak - you just need to know how to listen to them.

The nearly 700-year-old Uppsala Cathedral in Sweden keeps many secrets, including one related to Lithuania.

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A fragment of the material of the upcoming documentary film was presented in Vilnius

The idea of documentary was presented during the event "Karališkos Kotryna Jogailaitė's wedding: Then and now" at the Museum of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius.  

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The birth of the documentary film about Kotryna Jogailaitė

The life story of Catherine Jagellonica inspired to creat a documentary. 

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